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Saturday 27 August 2011

Young palaeontologists

During August, Lyme Regis Museum has run a series of events aimed at encouraging young people to become interested in fossils.

Two different events were run on three days through the month: Jurassic Seafood which concetrated on smaller fossils and Jurassic Sea dragons which looked at Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs.

Fortunately, the most famous fossil found by Lyme's most famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning, had pride of place in the Museum during the events as it was in Lyme on loan from the Natural History Museum.

The events were fantastically successful, with over 2000 attendees who were informed about the creatures in the Jurassic seas and were able to prepare ammonites by rubbing down and polishing pre-sliced specimens.

The pictures show attendees at the events.

For more pictures click here and to get some information about how ammonites lived click here.

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